
Islamic and Quranic Duas with Meaning

Duas category

Ramadan Duas

After finishing a meal

After leaving toilet

After rainfall

After Salah Tasbeeh

After Takbeer

After Tashahhud

Asking Allah to grant you a child

At Arafat

At the end of a Gathering/Majlis

At times of worry and sorry

Before entering toilet

Before sleeping

Before starting anything

Darood -e- Ibraheemi

Dua e Qunoot (recited in Witr prayer)

During a windstorm

During Hajj

During Ruku

Evening remembrance

Everyday Duas

For a blissful family

For a healthy life

For accomodation

For asking forgiveness for yourself and anyone who enters your house

For being grateful to Allah

For controlling your anger

For curbing fear

For deceased

For fear of committing Shirk

For forgiveness

For forgiveness and Allah's mercy

For forgiveness for your parents and all Muslims

For greeting people

For Istikhara

For Jannah

For Justice

For leaving everything in the hands of Allah

For overcoming your weaknesses

For parents

For patience

For praising Allah

For protection and help from Allah

For protection from ignorance

For protection from oppressors

For protection from Satan/Shaytan

For protection from the wrongdoers

For rain

For reciting at Al-Mash'ar Al-Haraam

For repentance

For righteous company

For Rizq

For seeking Allah's help

For someone who lends you money

For someone who offers you a meal

For someone who provides you with Iftar

For success

For thanking Allah (SWT)

For thanking someone

For the deceased at the funeral prayer

For the night of destiny (Lailatul Qadr)

For this world and the aakhira

For travel

For your child's protection

Forgiveness for your parents and all Muslims

Forgiveness for your siblings

Grant me confidence and eloquence

Having Relation With Wife

If you fall on hard times

In the last moments of one's life

In times of happiness

Increase in knowledge


Morning remembrance

Offer Salah regularly

On hearing a bad news

On hearing Athan

On hearing good news

Pledge to Allah

Protection from foolishness

Remembrance After Prayer

Seek Allah's guidance

Seek Allah's satisfaction

Seek forgiveness and protection from hell

Seek protection from culprits

Settle a debt

Sneezers replies back

Strengthen your Imaan

Takbeer when passing the black stone


To alleviate pain

To be a pious Muslim

To keep your family safe from transgressors.

To make us practising Muslims

To trust upon Allah

Upon completing ablution

Upon drinking milk

Upon Entering Home

Upon entering Mosque

Upon hearing thunder

Upon Leaving Mosque

Upon reaching the Yemeni corner during Tawaf

Upon seeing someone going through a trial or tribulation

Upon sighting of the crescent moon

Upon sneezing

When a loss occurs

When at Mount Safa and Mount Marwah

When beginning a meal

When beginning the Fast- Seher

When dining at someones house

When entering market

When feeling frightened

When given a drink

When going to Mosque

when in distress

When Leaving Home

When looking into the mirror

When offering condolence

When One Sees Someone Sneezing

When placing the deceased in the grave

When prostrating

When responding to Salam

When returning from a long journey

When sacrificing an animal

When sitting between two Sujood (Prostrations)

When sitting in Prayer (Tashahhud)

When someone insults you

When someone praises you

When starting ablution

When stricken by tragedy

When throwing stones at Jamaraat

When visiting the graves

When visiting the sick

When Waking Up

When Wearing a Garment

When wearing new clothes

When you are in need

When you are nearing your death

When you fail or lose at something

While Opening Fast

While prostrating before Allah (in Sujood)

While returning from travel